9. salon crno-bijele fotografije 100+1

Nastavljajući tradiciju organizacije salona crno-bijele fotografije 100+1, jedinstvenog kako po konceptu tako i po visokim estetskim kriterijima Foto klub Color Rijeka raspisao je Natječaj za sudjelovanje na 9. salonu crno-bijele fotografije 100+1. Izložba se održava pod pokroviteljstvom Hrvatskog fotosaveza.

Contest for participation in the 9th exhibition of black and white photography 100+1. It is a competitive exhibition for which a maximum of 100 black and white photos are accepted + one, which due to its aesthetic criteria stands out from others, and which is to be awarded the Fernando Soprano Grand Prix. Thanks to the courtesy of the Soprano family, this prize has been awarded since 2017 for the best photograph and exceptionally successful author’s work received. Fernando Soprano (1922-1977) is one of the classics of national photography and belongs to the generation who affirmed himself in the fifties and sixties of the last century.

Izložba je postavljena u Muzeju grada Rijeke od 15. prosinca 2022. do 10. siječnja 2023.

Kustos izložbe: dr.sc Enes Quien.


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